Cameo Package
Up to 5 Hours of coverage
All images with basic editing and copyrighted delivered in digital format
10% off all print orders and albums
Sterling Package
All images shown at reveal with basic editing and copyrighted delivered in digital format
20 images in an album, fully retouched, to be chosen by Bride and Groom
16x24 Metal Print
10% off all print and Album Orders/Upgrades
Platinum Package
Complimentary Engagement or Bridal Shoot
All images shown at reveal with basic editing and copyrighted delivered in digital format
50 images in an album, fully retouched, to be chosen by Bride and Groom
24 x 36 Metal Print
15% off all print and Album Orders/Upgrades
These packages can be customized to order. For more information, please contact us for a free no obligation consultation in our Littleton studio.
Second Photographer
You may ad an additional photographer to your package for $75.00per hour